Interesting Information..
When you are pregnant you do a lot of research and you find a lot of interesting websites to help you figure out what you are experiencing. You also find a lot of crazy websites that are just fun to check out. Below is one I just found today...
This is what it told me...
Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.
What she senses for you...
The day you deliver,
outside will be cloudy. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning .
After a labor lasting approximately 22 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and will be 17 inches long. This child will have blue eyes and a little patch of brown hair.
But there is more. I sense that you are feeling some stress. This is very normal. However, I would like to suggest that you try some of these methods to pamper yourself a bit.
22 hours definitely scares me a bit but the rest sounds ok, although I just hit the back button and then hit submit again and I got a completely different reading....
Anyways, thought I would share.
It's a boy!?!?!
Kayt sent me this fun link that I thought I should share
According to the Chinese Luna Calendar we will be having a boy! Chuck will be very excited to read this!! Hopefully he doesn't run out to buy a pair of hockey skates!
Time to relax...
Well, overall the weekend was a ton of fun and for the most part I felt great. Yesterday, however was a completely different story. After spending 2 days at the track, a night in a tent and long hours standing up I was exhausted! I spent most of Monday lying around watching movies and am really wishing I could be doing the same thing today! Overall being the only sober person at the track really wasn't that bad and was quite comical at times, although I do look forward to next year when I can completely participate in the festivities again.
Now that Memorial day is over and the 2008 Indianapolis 500 has been run, I am close to 14 weeks pregnant, moving into my second tri-mester and looking forward to relaxing and enjoying being pregnant for a while. I have a doctors appointment a week from today which I have been looking forward to for a long time. Even though we heard the heart beat last time we went you still always wonder if everything is ok.
I am feeling better and this weekend I seemed to have more energy, I am hoping I can get out and run this week, even though I physically haven't felt like running, mentally I really miss it. Chuck and I are also going to get my bike so I will have options to keep me active.
And the festivities have begun...
I woke up yesterday morning and really didn't even feel pregnant, if I hadn't gotten up 4 times in the middle of the night I might have been a little worried, but yesterday afternoon about 3:00 pm as usual I started to feel like crap which was not a good thing because we were heading to the airport to pick up Kevin and Kayt and I didn't want to be a party pooper! They say around weeks 12-14 you should really start feeling better and I am hoping that is the case for the weekend ahead.
Well this morning I got up as usual, felt really pretty good, and got ready for work. Chuck has the rest of the week off so you would have thought he would still be sleeping but he was up with me and loading the car to go out and choose the spot in the Coke lot! A bunch of the guys met at the Coke lot this morning about 8:30 am, I heard from Chuck around noon and the party tent had been set up, our tents were good to go and he was heading home for the last load and to get cleaned up before it was time to go to Hooters and begin the 2008 Mess at IMS!
Tonight the plan is to lay low, and rest up for tomorrow. I am dragging Kayt to Old Navy with me with hopes on finding a pair of drawstring capris that I can live in this weekend. It seems all of a sudden my pants just aren't that comfortable anymore but I am really not ready to make the leap into maternity clothes!
Chuck has told us to be at the track around 10 tomorrow morning, which means we need to leave our house around 9:30, head to McDonald's because I am sure Chuck will place an order in the morning and I am not going to turn down a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit that I have now been craving for 2 weeks and still haven't gotten, then on to Carb Day!
So, I am crossing my fingers that what everyone says is true and at 13 weeks I will get my energy back and not feel sick in the afternoons. We will see how that goes. The forecast looks amazing and I am really looking forward to a long weekend enjoying the weather and hanging out with friends. Wish me luck! Happy Memorial Day! Go TK!!! (Oh, and whoever I pull in the race pool this year)
Going to be a totally different experience...

Kind of jealous....
So tomorrow Chuck will run the Geist Half Marathon without me! He decided to do this after the Indianapolis Mini Marathon since my pregnant butt slowed our time way down and he felt great! I have to admit, even though I dread the thought of running any distance at all right now I am sort of jealous. I love running in races, not because I am competitive but because it is a rush! I didn't get that rush during the mini this year which makes me sad and actually ready to sign up for next year, normally I am not ready to sign up for the next mini until November!
Well, I really hope Chuck hits his 2 hour mark and doesn't miss me to much during his 13.1 mile run, the first time without me. He better not get used to that! I will be there cheering him on at the end.
Kind of fun....
So I went to this website today and here are the names it gave us...
Jack Elliott
Giselle Anna
Not quite sold on these but still kind of fun!!
Playing catch up...
I've been debating about starting a blog for a couple weeks now, seems like a great way to share this new experience that Chuck and I are going through with friends and family and keeping everyone updated without making tons of phone calls. I also thought this would be a good way to look back when this experience is all over to see if it is something I might actually consider going through again!!
To get everyone caught up to speed, we found out we were pregnant on April 2, 2008. We confirmed that I was close to 6 weeks pregnant with the doctor on April 3rd! Ha, super excited and totally panicking at the same time. The following week, we told immediate family and I started feeling like crap. Fortunately for me, the crappy feeling that was hitting me daily was not kicking in until the afternoon, which made training for the mini (which I was still determined to do) after work not so much fun, but long runs on Saturday mornings were still fine!
April 17, our first "real" doctors appointment with the doctor we would become very close friends with over the next 9 months. We didn't get to hear the heartbeat at this appointment but she said that was totally normal and everything was looking great!
April 26, first completely sober bachelorette party! I really don't suggest that to anyone!! Although it was totally worth every minute for Erin and I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
On May 3rd, 10 weeks pregnant we ran the Indianapolis mini marathon, I thought it would be great but boy was I wrong! Maybe not doing a long run the weekend before made it a little more difficult but that was the longest and hardest 13.1 miles I have ever ran. I owe Chuck and love him so much for sticking with me and making it as fun as possible!!
That pretty much brings everyone up to speed, I am now over 11 weeks pregnant, I went for my first run since the mini last night and it felt pretty good to be out and moving again. I am Still really tired but otherwise starting to feel much better and am looking forward to all the strange, interesting but really exciting things that are going to happen to our growing family over the next 7 months!!