Who knew...
that tissue paper could be so much fun!!
We have a....
TOOTH!! Yup, I felt it earlier this week, I still haven't seen it because every time I go to look in her mouth she sticks her tounge out but I know its there!! She has done great with it and I just can't believe that our little girl has a tooth!! She is growing up so fast!! I know some kids get teeth as early as 4 months but still, this is a major milestone.
Anyways, its Friday, Happy Friday to all!! This has been a long week and I am so looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend hanging out with the fam! Hopefully Hannah can get a little pool time!
June 26, 2009
So I have already been thinking about Hannah's first birthday!! Yes I know it is early and no I am not rushing it, but with all these firsts it is hard not to.
Of course we are going to have a bash, which means I will have to come up with some pretty fancy invites. I found this website and decided to play around with it.....look what I made
1st Father's Day....
Ok, well I have been busy so I haven't had time to post all the fun stuff that has been happening!!
Sunday was Chuck's first Father's day!! We were in Cincy, so mom made him Father's Day breakfast and we all (including Hannah) sat down to a nice Sunday breakfast! I also made Hannah a fun shirt to wear!
Then we drove back to Indy and celebrated with Chuck's dad that evening. I think Chuck wanted to play a little golf so I gave him a free pass for this weekend if he wants!!
Hannah has been doing TONS of new things. She turned 7 months old on Monday and I think she has decided to be a tummy sleeper! She started taking naps on her tummy last week at daycare, but she has started flipping over at night now also!! Chuck and I walked in to check on her last night before bed and not only was she on her belly but she was the wrong way in the crib...well, you know the rule, "don't wake a sleeping baby!" We didn't wake her!! I don't really blame her, I don't really like to sleep on my back either!
Last week we noticed that Hannah was getting pretty good at crawling....backwards!! Its hilarious actually!! Well, last night she decided she wanted to work out, she is testing her yoga skills with a little downward dog!
I am guessing that Chuck and I will be doing some baby proofing sooner rather than later!
Photo shoot....
So even though Hannah will be 7 months old on Monday this past Saturday we had her 6 month pictures taken. Chucks mom has a friend who is very good at photography so she came over Saturday morning for a photo shoot!! I stressed about this a little bit because I had no idea how Hannah would be, but I shouldn't have worried because as soon as Joni busted out the camera she was nothing but smiles.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend, all of them were taken by Joni Willan.
Happy Anniversary...
Awww...its our anniversary!!! Yup, Chuck and I have been married 2 whole years today! Pretty sure it has been an incredible 2 years and I feel so lucky to have him to enjoy all these new experiences with! Look how pretty we look!!!
He he, while looking for that fun photo I found a few more....
This last one is CLASSY!!!
Anyways, tonight Chuck and I will celebrate surviving 2 years together, we are going on a date, which doesn't really ever happen anymore and Hannah is hanging out with Grandma Dodge (Thanks Judy). I am really looking forward to a night out with my man! Happy Anniversary hun!
Back to the real world...
Hannah, Chuck and I returned from Cali on Tuesday around 5. We all had a blast and are still exhausted from the quick trip to Nicki's graduation. It was so fun, great to get away and great to see everyone, we were just bummed that it went so fast!
We arrived at the Burbank airport to a warm welcome by Julianne. Who immediately took Hannah while we waited for our bags.
After Chuck found our luggage we hopped in the car to head down to Newport to check out Dad and Nancy's awesome new house and to take Hannah's first boat ride in the duffy! It was a beautiful day in Newport! Hannah was not the biggest fan of the stylish life jacket Grandpa picked out but she did LOVE his boat!
Besides the beautiful boats and houses Hannah got to see her first Sea lion,
it was better than being at the zoo!
The rest of the weekend was filled with pool time, family time and Nicki's graduation!! Here are some pics to see how much fun we had!!
Off to Cali...
Tomorrow morning we will be getting up really early and heading to the airport for Hannah's second trip to Cali!! We are going to visit Gramps and celebrate Nicki's highschool graduation. Here is a pic from last time we were there....Hannah and Aunt Nicki!!
Congratulations Nicki, we can't wait to celebrate this very exciting time with you!
Hannah was a great traveler at 3 months, lets see how she does at 6!!! Wish us luck!
Fun weekend....
It was such a fun weekend, although they all seem to be these days. To start with Erin came to visit, we hadn't had a chance to hang out for a LONG time so it was so great that she could take the time to come over for a night. Staying with us these days can be a challenge if Hannah doesn't sleep well so I was really glad Erin was willing to risk it. When Erin originally planned to come over I warned her that Hannah sometimes isn't that much fun in the evenings but the mornings are fantastic. So Friday night was relaxing, we just went to our favorite Mexican place then hung out after Hannah went to bed. Saturday morning Hannah got to try sweet potatoes for the first time....
Then Erin and I put Hannah in the stroller and walked over to a nearby park for Hannah's first official park visit. We tried the baby swing and the slide, I think she was a fan of both!!
Look at those legs!!!
She was so exhausted from the park that she fell asleep on our walk home!
Since Chuck got to take a few days off from the real world last week to participate in the Mess, I managed to put a nice "Honey-do" list together for him. So while the girls were playing Chuck was hard at work at home.... One of the items on his list was Hannah's new swing!! She loves it!
Well, this week is really low key (thank goodness), we are just getting prepared for our trip out to Cali for Nicki's High School graduation!! We are really looking forward to seeing everyone and having a few days off!