9 Months...
I have been a huge blogging slacker the past week and so much has happened. To begin with Hannah turned 9 months old! I just cannot believe how fast this first year is going...
9 Month Stats
Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Head: 18 1/4 inches
She is doing great, her doctor said she could be the poster child for Gerber!!!
During Hannah's 9 month birthday week Grandma took her to the zoo. She LOVES being outside so she enjoyed every minute of it. The lions and hippos were all still a little far away for her to care about but the penguins and fish were up close and personal and she had a blast!
Yummy pretzel!!!!
Is it football season yet?

Cookies are good.... Posted by Kim: comments
Baseball games are fun...
Kevin and Kayt came to visit this past weekend, it was so fun and it made Chuck and I do some things that we need to start doing with Hannah....
First of all we went to the Indians game on Saturday night....Hannah's first baseball game, it might not have been quite as cool as the game that Hannah's Grandpa was at (Disney box at the Dodgers game) but it was still fun and she loved it!
It wasn't just Hannah's first game, the Lee's were in town so Declan got to take in his first baseball game too....I don't think he was quite as interested as Hannah was!
On Sunday before Kevin and Kayt had to fly home we went downtown to the canal. Kayt is taking a photography class so she wanted to get some pictures and I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to play with my awesome new camera and take fun shots of Hannah!
Now we just need to teach Daddy to work the camera so I can be in a few of the photos too!!
Posted by Kim: comments
Looking out...
Toothless smile....

Bath time fun..
We have moved to the big girl bath tub!! Since Hannah has decided she would much rather be standing then anything else we have moved her to the big bath tub (much safer)! Some fun pics from the weekend!
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