
  • Tuesday, October 27, 2009

    Sneak peek....

    Before we hit her 1 year, you need to see 11 months!!

    Oh, and maybe a sneak peek of Halloween!!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Thursday, October 22, 2009

    11 Months...

    Happy 11 Months!!!
    I cannot believe that Hannah is 11 months old today...where did these 11 months go?
    To give a run down of what Hannah is up to these days...she is working on her top 2 teeth, she is crawling like a mad woman and wouldn't you know it Tammy (Hannah's daycare mom) emailed yesterday stating that Hannah took 3 whole steps on her own! I am afraid to blink because she is learning so many new things so quickly I just don't want to miss any of it!

    Keep an eye out for some 11 month pics!!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    No more toothless smile...

    I'd like to say it's about time but I was in no hurry for Hannah to start getting her top teeth, for many reason but the main one being that I LOVE her toothless smile, its the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and unfortunately I have not been able to get a picture of it! We do have lots of pictures of her smiling but its not the HUGE toothless smile she does when she is having tons of fun. Below are some pictures of her smiles over the past 11 months....

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Pumpkin Patch...

    October is one of my favorite months, I love the weather, the football, the trees, the food, but mostly because of Halloween. I am determined to share the love of the fall and this wonderful holiday with my daughter.

    As I mentioned above, football is included in one of the things I love about this season, but the love for football also makes it difficult to do many of the fall activities that I have always enjoyed, including going to the Pumkin Patch! Well, as luck would have it, Notre Dame had a bye week this week and it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon...this meant Hannah's first trip to the Pumpkin patch! Grandpa, Grandma, Chuck, Hannah and I all piled into the car and drove to Stoneycreek Farm. They had hayrides, apple cider and lots and lots of pumkins. Hannah loved the hayride, and was very curious about the tractors. Many of the pumkins were as big as she was but they didn't scare on the list of things to share with Hannah, "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!"

    Yum! Apple Cider!!!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Thursday, October 08, 2009

    First steps...

    Well I have been a huge blogging slacker....don't worry I didn't forget that Hannah turned 10 months and that Chuck and I left her with Grammy for a whole weekend, I will write all about that later but I need to get this documented since I am also a baby book slacker and this blog will eventually turn into Hannah's baby book!
    Hannah has always liked to be standing up and walking around furniture and toys so we were pretty sure she would be walking early. When Chuck and I returned from Charlotte and after Hannah's weekend with Grammie (I wonder what she was feeding her), we could tell that walking was right around the corner. So last night Grandma Judy came over to bring Hannah fun (warm) pj's since apparently we are skipping fall and heading straight into winter. Hannah was super excited to see her, so excited she forgot she wasn't holding onto anything! She took one step then fell on her butt!! Now I know this is not walking but if she can take one step on her own my guess is that two, three and four steps are just around the corner!! Our little girl is growing up so fast!!

    Posted by Kim: comments