Big Sister...
Yup, that's right, Hannah is going to be a big sister!
We are very excited about the new little addition to our family. I am 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Chuck and I went for an ultrasound this morning, everything looks perfect and we are having a boy! I have no idea what I am getting into with a boy but I was so thrilled this morning to count all 10 fingers and all 10 toes! Now we just need to get ready to meet this little guy!
A Christmas comparison...
2 Year Stats and skating pictures...
Breakfast with Santa...
Saturday morning we woke up to our first snow fall of the season, but that didn't stop us from going to breakfast with Santa! We met Grandpa and Grandma Dodge downtown at the Skyline club to have a wonderful breakfast, make some ornaments and see the big guy! Hannah was not a big fan of Santa last year....
This year was a bit different....Hannah loved Santa...until we put her on his lap! Look how big she has gotten!!!!
Besides the sitting on Santa's lap part, Hannah really enjoyed herself...especially the candy!
Last dance class...
Hannah is 2!!
I cannot believe that Hannah is turning 2 today! I cannot believe how lucky we are and how much I have fallen in love with her! We had a birthday party for Hannah this weekend and it was a blast, it was so fun watching all the kiddos play together. I will post more about it with pictures later but here is a video of her blowing out her candle! (Sorry about my singing!)
Growing up so fast....
When we moved to the new house back in April we decided to go ahead an make Hannah's room her "Big Girl" room plus the crib. So we went to IKEA, bought her a dresser and a full size bed, set it all up but continued using her crib. Lately Hannah hasn't been sleeping great in her crib and she kept pointing at the big bed so last Friday night we decided to go for it and it went great!!
I think she likes it!!
Trick or
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Halloween 2010....
It has been a fun couple of weekends, that is for sure. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I would really like to share that with Hannah. Last weekend we were fortunate enough to have a decent Saturday morning with no hockey, that combination has proved to be very difficult this October!! Anyways, we piled into the car Saturday morning and headed over to Stonycreek Farm in Noblesville. This is the same pumpkin farm that we took Hannah to last year but this year she could actually partake in most of the festivities!!
They had an enormous pile of hay that kids could just run and jump in. This took Hannah a little bit to warm up to but after a while she was hanging out in the hay just like all the other kids!
Hannah and Daddy were checking out a tree with pumpkins hanging on it...
The pumpkin train was a big hit.....we got to the pumpkin patch very near the time that they opened and the weather wasn't beautiful so we could really go wherever we wanted and didn't have to wait in any lines...
And Hannah met Simon, she has never been on a pony before so we were not quite sure how that was going to go, but she rode Simon all around the corral without Mommy or Daddy holding on to her and loving every minute of it!
This weekend was also full of Halloween festivities. Daddy and Hannah went to ZooBoo on Friday evening, I got to meet up with them a bit later but she had lots of fun. It was kind of like a trick or treating warm up, we got to see all the animals at the zoo and get candy along the way.
Marathon Weekend...
Hawaiian night....

It is so hard to get a good picture of her during class!
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Sticker Time...
Yesterday while I was getting a few things done around the house Hannah decided she and Rudy should play with stickers! I think she had a lot more fun then Rudy did, especially when I had to pull the stickers off!

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Second Dance Class....
Tonight was fairy night and I forgot my camera again!! Thank goodness for camera phones!

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Long overdue...Vacation......