Dancing Hannah...
Today Hannah had a play date. Ava, Stephanie and Steve came over for dinner and a little play time, Hannah decided to put on a show with a little help from Aunt Amy.....
Go Colts...
Well this past weekend was a big weekend if you live in Indianapolis....On Sunday the Indianapolis Colts beat the New York Jets to win the AFC Championship and earn their ticket to the Super Bowl, yup the Colts are going to the Super Bowl!!!
Most of the Dodge's do not live in Indianapolis, they actually live in Jets country so we were fortunate enough to have Aunt Barbara and Uncle Leo come visit to partake in all the festivities surrounding this weekends game. Hannah has never had the opportunity to meet these two very important people but she warmed up to them rather quickly. (I have pics, trying to get them uploaded)
Anyways, the task between now and Sunday, February 7th is to teach Hannah to say "GO COLTS!" I think we are getting there...
Snow day...
Well this post is long overdue but it is worth posting because I have some REALLY cute pics. Now that Hannah is getting older (almost 14 months!!) she enjoys so many more things, this is so much fun for Chuck and I because we get to do things again that we haven't done in years! Well, last week it snowed, not just a little bit but enough to go play in and go sledding. Hannah loves the snow, whenver we go outside and it is snowing she goes "OOOOOOO" it is very cute, so on a sunny Sunday afternoon I put her snow suit on her, a coat, hat and mittens (which by the way are the hardest things ever to put on a kid) and we headed out to the front yard to play in the snow and do a little sledding. Hannah has been walking for a while now but when I put all these clothes on her she struggled a bit, once I sat her on the sled though she had a blast!
Posted by Kim: comments
Girls weekend....
So yesterday I picked Hannah up after work and we road tripped it to Cincy.

Since it was just the girls we decided to get up and head to the Cincinnati Childrens Museum. It has been a very long time since I have done anything like this and I can't wait to do it again! I think Hannah had a blast.....

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Posted by Kim: comments
Graduated from...
This week at daycare our little girl graduated from her highchair to the "Big Girl Table"!!
Turning 30....
As I have stated previously, 2010 seems to be bringing a lot of change for the Dodge family! Selling our home, starting a new job and many other things seem to be on the horizion for this year, all of which seem great except for the fact that Chuck and I also will turn 30. I am not sure how I feel about this and fortunately I have a little while to soak it all in, but Chuck and many of our friends have either already hit that milestone or will be shortly.

Happy Birthday Boys!
First day of work...
Well I am happy to say that things have started to look up a bit since my last post. Which is a very good thing!! I have a few fun stories to share about the festivities of this past weekend but before that I wanted to wish Chuck a very Happy First Day of work!! I meant to post this morning and now his day is almost over.
We have made quite a few changes over the past couple of months, Chuck's new job being just one of them, but it is a big one! The first day of work is never all that much fun but I am very excited for him and I cannot wait to get home to hear all about it!!!
Ringing in the New Year...
Not gonna lie, 2010 is off to a rocky start!! Hopefully it is not a sign of what is to come! I am hoping it just means things will only get better!
New Years eve was fun, after work Chuck, Hannah and I enjoyed the Ice game. We then headed home put Hannah to bed, had a nice relaxing evening and watched all the happenings in Times Square. January 1st started pretty good until Hannah's nap time when she woke up and I found that she had thrown up, so Hannah has officially had her first Flu bug! She is recovering but if you have kids you know that if they get sick, you will get sick! So next up, Chuck sick all night on January 3rd, poor guy!! The flu sucks and all you can do is ride it out. Today Chuck woke up feeling pretty good, little tired but I am sure alot of that is due to the lack of nutrition he has had the last couple of days, I am hoping he gets some good food into him he will bounce back quickly! But that Flu bug decided to rear its ugly head again late last night with Grandma! Chuck's parents have been so wonderful letting us stay with them while we are looking for a house but along with us comes all the other fun stuff!! So poor Grandma is stuck home with this awful flu! My plan of attack, assuming Chuck is still feeling better and can keep an eye on Hannah is to sanitize the entire house!! Top to bottom...I would not wish this on anyone and I do not have time to get this especially later this week!! So cross your fingers for us...to a speedy recovery for Hannah, Chuck and Grandma and that Amy, Grandpa and I make it through this thing without a scratch!