15 Months...
I have been a huge picture and blogging slacker but our little girl turned 15 months on Monday and we could not let that be forgotten!! I cannot believe how much she has learned and how much she has grown in such a short amount of time. We are very lucky to have a healthy happy baby girl, and are so thankful to have her in our lives!
I will hopefully work on some current pictures this weekend but until then here are little Miss Hannah Jane's statistics that we received yesterday when we went for her 15 month check up.
Weight: 25 lbs 4 oz
Height: 31 1/4 inches
Head: 19 inches
Her favorite drink is milk, she loves grilled cheese and is currently not a fan of vegetables and fruit. She can say thank you, there ya go, peek a boo, no!, mama, and dada, she babbles all the time we just don't know what she is saying yet!
Ready for school....

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Hostess cupcake....
Pretty sure Hannah is a fan....

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On the mend....
Seems to be that time of year, everyone is sick...not only of winter but literally sick! Hannah has had a cough for a couple weeks now but we all thought it was getting better. Apparently we were wrong because Sunday this cough got much worse and would not stop! Monday morning after a not so great nights sleep we woke up to a warm Hannah! As soon as 7:30 rolled around I was on the phone with the doctor and much to my surprise they had an open appointment at 8:30. Hannah and I got dressed and headed to the doctors office. Hannah's cough was constant (poor thing), the doctor noticed the beginnings of an ear infection, so the doctor hooked us up with a nebulizer and a couple of prescriptions and asked us to head down the street for a chest x-Ray just to be on the safe side. That was not fun but it was a good thing we did because later that afternoon the doctor called and the results were that Hannah had the beginning stages of pnemonia!!!! What?!? I am so happy my doctor wanted to be on the safe side! So long story short Hannah went back to daycare today and was very excited to see her friends we are very thankful that we caught this early and that Hannah is a tough little girl! All I have to say is that spring cannot get here soon enough!

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Super Bowl Sunday....
Well, Super Bowl Sunday didn't turn out quite how we Colts fans would have liked but we were excited for the big day!

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