Hula time...

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A little on Hannah....
Since Baby Jack has arrived we haven't talked much about Hannah which really isn't fair considering her whole world has changed. Not only did she get a new baby brother, but she now also gets to stay home with Mommy! I thought this was going to be a huge adjustment for all of us, but Hannah has been a trooper and I actually think we are all happier. Now I don't have to wait until after work to schedule activities that were always booked up in the past, so Hannah spends her days hanging out with Baby Jack and I but she also participates in a Moms Day Out program (school), dance and gymnastics. She says school is her favorite quickly followed by gymnastics! Here are some new pictures...
Posted by Kim: comments
Baby Jack 4 Month Smiles...
Baby Jack is 4 months old!! He is doing awesome, he can roll from back to belly and belly to back, he hold on to things and pulls hair and he giggles and talks to you! We took baby Jack to his 4 month appointment today and he is almost as big as Hannah was at 6 months!
Baby Jack:
Weight: 17 lbs 1 oz
Length: 25 inches
He is a big boy but as long as he is healthy we are happy!! Posted by Kim: comments
Family Vacation of Four.....
Our first family vacation with Baby Jack and it was a success. I always get nervous flying with kiddos because you never really know how they are going to act on a plane. I think we were very fortunate because our biggest problem was that Baby Jack had 2 blow outs on the plane ride to California and I only had 2 outfits with us in my carry on!!
We headed to California to visit Papa, Grandma, Aunt Julianne and Aunt Nicki, we spent some time at the lake, at the pool and at Mickey's house!! We don't get to see these guys enough so the trip went way to fast, but we enjoyed every minute of it!
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