Date Night.....
Tonight is a Daddy/Daughter date night....Hannah and Daddy are going to see the Disney Princess's on Ice!! Not gonna lie, I am super jealous,not that Daddy gets to take Hannah but that I don't get to see the Princess's!! But Hannah and Daddy will have a blast and I get to cuddle with my little guy so I think we are all happy!!
Baby Jack is 8 Months Old....
Baby Jack is 8 months old!! Well, actually he is 8 1/2 months old because I apparently don't always have my act together and am very late at posting this.
Anyways, since right before Christmas we started trying a new night time routine with Jack. This new routine is great for me because I actually get some down time, I think it is better for Hannah because on nights when Chuck is not around we still get story time without the interruption of Jack crying or crawling all over the place and I think it is better for Jack because now he has pretty much a routine bedtime. While I was putting him to bed tonight I was watching him and I just cannot believe that this little guy is 8 months old! He is crawling all over the place, he is pulling himself up on everything, he has his first tooth, he is trying new foods everyday and he interacts with Hannah now!! It melts my heart everytime I hear the two of them laughing together!!
Here are some pics of Baby Jack at 8 months!
And just for fun, you can click here and check Hannah out when she was 8 months! Posted by Kim: comments
Christmas time....
We had a wonderful holiday, Hannah keeps saying "Christmas is over"!! I can't believe that Christmas is over and Baby Jack's first Christmas is over. This year was so fun, I can tell that each year is going to get better and better! I definitely used the "you better be good or Santa won't bring you any presents" threat way to often, but Hannah believes and understands now and it was so much fun!
Christmas Eve we headed to church, then just hung out at home with Grammy, Grandpa and Grandma, it was low key and relaxing.
Santa was very good to the kiddos this year, you could barely walk around our living room!
This is probably the last year that I will be able to say this but we actually got to sleep in a bit on Christmas morning, both kiddos slept great!! Merry Christmas to us!! Seeing Hannah's face when she walked down the stairs was awesome!
Jack obviously doesn't really get it this year but he had a blast crawling around in all the paper and boxes, while Hannah really enjoyed having double duty in opening presents!
Hannah showing Jack how to blow dry his hair.....
Jack got a new chair, so he doesn't have to climb on Hannah's anymore....