
  • Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    A turnip...

    It is only Tuesday and this week has already been crazy. I had every intention of running last night but then stuff got in the way. I have a feeling once the baby comes more stuff will be in the way, I just hope by then I have a little more energy so I can do the stuff and the run.
    Not much is going on this week, I got an update from today, always a fun way to start out my day. It says the baby is the size of a turnip, now that meant nothing to me because I had no idea what a turnip looked like but here is a picture if you would like to see.

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    16 week update...

    Well, if we are counting it is technically 16 weeks and 3 days. In the first trimester it seemed like I wanted it to go faster and faster, but now that I am feeling better and things seem to be going ok it would be nice if things slowed down a bit!
    So this week our baby is the size of an avocado, its ears are almost where they are supposed to be and it has started growing toenails! Apparently I should be glowing at this point (pretty sure I am not) and waiting to feel the baby move any day now. They also say that over the next 3 months I should gain somewhere between 12-14 pounds, YIKES!
    This week I have started looking at daycares, I have an appointment at Peter Rabbit Daycare on Thursday! This should be interesting! I have also started looking at baby furniture, which is really kind of fun. I found a crib I liked the other day, sent it to Chuck and he actually liked it, shocking! I want black because I already have 1 piece of black furniture to add to it. What do you think? Lots of time to keep looking but it is fun looking!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Monday, June 16, 2008


    Today is our 1 year anniversary!! It is so crazy to think that Chuck and I have actually been married a whole year and we are already adding to our small family. I think its been an amazing year and I just can't believe how quickly it has gone.

    Chuck and I celebrated this weekend, we went to Cincinnati for a Reds game then stayed downtown and went out for a nice dinner. Not quite the Curtain Bluff which was the most amazing place I have ever been but it was still nice to get away for the weekend. To finish off the weekend we went to church at St. Lawrence, the church we were married in, it was as pretty and as hot as I remembered it!!

    We don't have much planned for tonight, I did however bring back the top to our wedding cake that my mom has had in her freezer for a year. We are grilling out tonight so maybe we will bust out the fine china and eat our burgers off of that! Even though we celebrated this weekend and we are keeping things low key, I just got a call from the reception desk telling me I had a surprise! 12 beautiful yellow long stem roses! I love them!
    Here's to many many more wonderful years!!!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    It's an apple....

    I get weekly updates from! It is a awesome website and it sends me an email every week letting me know what is happening to the baby that week and what is happening to me.
    This week our baby is about the size of an apple and apparently it can sense light. It says if I put a flashlight up to my belly that the baby would move away! I wish I had known this on Monday night when we didn't have any power, that would have been something fun to do to pass the time. I don't think I have felt the baby move yet but apparently that should happen anytime now! We are also supposed to start talking to the baby, apparently it is the beginning of the bonding process and one of the best ways to help them develop language skills!

    Anyways, just wanted to share what is going on with the baby this week, pretty strange if you ask me but very cool!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    In between phases.

    Ok, this is probably going to just be a venting post, sorry! We didn't have power again last night, from when I got home from work until around 10 which is pretty much my bed time! Which meant I couldn't figure out what to wear until this morning. Normally this is not a problem but I currently look just really fat in my normal shirts but most of the maternity shirts I have bought are still really big! I probably put on 5 shirt this morning before I found one that would work. Thank goodness I pulled out a skirt that actually still fit my growing waistline!

    Now that we are out of the first trimester I feel a little more comfortable planning for this little baby that will be here in a few months. But trying to figure out where to start and what you need is very overwhelming! Daycares, registries, baby furniture, names, do we find out the sex of the baby or not, all of these things Chuck and I are contemplating but have no idea what to do!

    On the other side of things I am still feeling much better, we went for another run last night, it was cooler which helped but I do think it is getting easier. I wasn't sure if it would or not. Normally when you start running on a regular basis it keeps getting easier but I wasn't sure this would be the case for me since I would constantly be getting bigger!! Hopefully this rain goes away and I can get back out there tonight!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Friday, June 06, 2008

    Even more official...

    Sorry for all the changes in the appearance of this blog, I am not going to lie though it could happen again. I was looking for some kind of theme that would be appropriate for writing about babies and pregnacy but I was having a hard time, and I can't pick blue or pink yet since that is unknown.

    Well, work knows, it is kind of a relief to have it out in the open! Nice to be able to talk to the girls around here about it and its just nice not to have to try and hide anything that seemed to be getting harder and harder to hide. I don't really think I am showing yet, if you knew me but didn't know I was pregnant you would really think I had just put on a few pounds because I really just look fat!!
    Anyways, things are going pretty good. Now that I am feeling better I want to move around more. I tried an intro to prenatal yoga class on Thursday. It was pretty interesting but it was more informative then anything else so I am going to try it again next week and see if it is something I might be interested in. Chuck and I went for a 2 mile run last night and besides it being 90 degrees outside it was pretty enjoyable. I guess Casey sent Chuck a link to a 4 mile run in Cincy on June 28th, it looks pretty fun so I was thinking if we can get over to Cincy that weekend I would also like to participate in this run. Apparently all participants get a bloody mary to begin the race and Chuck has already placed dibs on mine!!

    July 3rd is now the official date for the ultrasound. I am looking forward to having the first official pictures of the baby and to make sure everything looks like and is progressing the way it should be!! That will be a fun day!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, June 03, 2008

    1st Milestone...

    I had a doctors appointment this morning. I have been really anxious for this one, even though we heard the heart beat last time (at about 10 weeks), alot has happened and alot can happen over the course of 4 weeks especially in your first trimester so going to this doctors appointment was a little nerve racking for me.

    This doctors appointment also meant many things, 1) if everything sounded and looked ok I would be moving into my 2nd trimester, 2) that it was time to tell my boss, and 3) we could start thinking about all the fun stuff, like names and decorating! It was short and sweet. Dr. Evan's asked if I had felt anything yet, I haven't (at least I don't think I have), she said right now it will feel alot like gas (which is a very common pregnancy symptom, sorry if tmi!). So then it was time to hear the heart beat, she found it right away! It was so great and such a relief, but it kept coming and going, I asked if that was normal and she said that the heart beat wasn't coming and going but the baby was very active and moving around! Pretty exciting, not sure how I will re-act when I actually do feel that!

    Anyways, everything apparently looks great, my next appointment will be the beginning of July and we will have an ultrasound! The question of the day...Should we find out the sex of the baby or not?? What do you think?

    On a side note, I bought Rudy a baby pool this weekend...

    Posted by Kim: comments