
  • Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    16 week update...

    Well, if we are counting it is technically 16 weeks and 3 days. In the first trimester it seemed like I wanted it to go faster and faster, but now that I am feeling better and things seem to be going ok it would be nice if things slowed down a bit!
    So this week our baby is the size of an avocado, its ears are almost where they are supposed to be and it has started growing toenails! Apparently I should be glowing at this point (pretty sure I am not) and waiting to feel the baby move any day now. They also say that over the next 3 months I should gain somewhere between 12-14 pounds, YIKES!
    This week I have started looking at daycares, I have an appointment at Peter Rabbit Daycare on Thursday! This should be interesting! I have also started looking at baby furniture, which is really kind of fun. I found a crib I liked the other day, sent it to Chuck and he actually liked it, shocking! I want black because I already have 1 piece of black furniture to add to it. What do you think? Lots of time to keep looking but it is fun looking!

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