The Brickyard
So my sisters were in Indianapolis for the first time ever this past week and we decided to take them to the Brickyard. They said they wanted to go and they had never been to anything like it before so on Saturday we made them sit down, do some research and each pick a driver to root for. Nicki picked 00 Michal McDowell and Julianne picked 41 Reed Sorenson. On Sunday when we got to the track the three of us walked over to the row of trailers and found t-shirts for their drivers, Nicki found out that there is only one shirt currently made for her driver, it was classic!To the righ is a picture of Julianne and Nicki in their new attire!
All in all the race was pretty boring but it was great to be there with my sisters, and they said they enjoyed themselves. Chuck rented one of those scanners so we did get to listen to the drivers on their radios. Since Nicki was the only Michael McDowell fan (even his pit crew was surpirsed to see a Michael McDowell T-shirt walking around) she got a glove from one of the members of the pit crew and a washer from one of the tires, pretty exciting!
Getting back to a routine...
So I am officially 22 weeks pregnant! I cannot believe it. Time is flying by. The baby is about 11 inches long, the size of a summer squash and is almost a pound! Although by looking at me, you would think it should be much more then a pound! I am looking at 2 daycares this week and dreading both of them but that needs done. Once Chuck and I make this decision we only have fun stuff to work on, like the nursery and names.
As for me, I signed up for the mini!! This means by May 2nd, in about 9 months I need to be able to run, not walk, 13 miles again. (I didn't walk it when I was 10 weeks pregnant so I am not going to walk it this year!) Yesterday, Rudy and I ran 2 miles, its a slower 2 miles but besides the heat it wasn't bad and I maybe could have gone farther. Not being able to continue running with Chuck has been pretty difficult. Since Chuck and I have begun running mini marathons we have had a pretty good routine and almost always run togehter and kept each other motivated. Signing up for the mini gives me hope that things will return to some kind of normalacy when our little girl arrives. Its hard for the guy to understand, he has 9 months to prepare for this life changing event, but for me, my life began changing as soon as I got pregnant. So I am excited for th 2009 mini marathon like I was excited for the first mini we ever ran!
On a side note, some people have requested pictures of what I am looking like these days so I am going to work on that!
Big Surprise....
Yesterday when Chuck got home from work he came with 2 very awesome surprises. My sisters, Julianne and Nicki are here to celebrate my birthday! I had no idea they were coming but I am very happy they are here. They have never been to Indianapolis before and since I didn't know they were coming I don't have anything planned. The brickyard 400 is this weekend but I am not sure about that one! Other then that we are having a cookout at our place tomorrow night and alot of just relaxing hanging out time which I think we all need.
Have a good weekend!
Big step....
We bought a crib!! I am so excited! Seemed like a big step but I love the crib. The lead time on this thing was 12-16 weeks, lets just hope it doesn't take much longer then that.
I have been super busy at work which is making the days go by really fast but then we have been really busy at home too. Chuck and I finally have gotten around to fixing the wall in the basement. Sunday we painted it, what we thought was the same color that was down there but apparently we were wrong! So last night we were painting again but again the wrong color! So annoying and exhausting. Today I am heading to Sherwin Williams at lunch with a piece of the paint that is the color we want, in hopes they can match it, if not we will be painting the entire room! Which I guess by now we already could have!
I made an appointment to go check out another daycare on Thursday. A couple people here at work take their children to the same daycare but a different location and love it. I'll keep you posted on how that goes....
The bob....
So, I feel like I had a semi-productive weekend. We went to Cincinnati, Chuck has to see the Mets play every summer and this year since we are trying to conserve a bit we went to see the Mets in Cincinnati.
I talked my mom into playing hookie for a while on Saturday and we ran a few errands. I found a stroller online that I thought would be great for Chuck and I, its a running stroller but also something we can use all the time but they don't have them anywhere here in Indy and I just hate buying important stuff like that without being able to touch it and check it out first. Well Mom and I loved it! The stroller is awesome and hopefully exactly what Chuck and I need. Its called the Bob, it has a front wheel that you can lock or let pivot depending on how you want to use it. I never thought I would get so excited about finding a stroller but it is something I can cross off my list of things to do research on and that is a great feeling.
Half way there.....
Wow, I can't believe it! I received my weekly update email from today and I am halfway done with this pregnancy. That is just crazy to me, and really scary!
Chuck and I have been looking at furniture and bedding which apparently is a good thing because I believe the crib that we want takes 12 weeks to get in! That means if it really takes 12 weeks we won't have it until like November 1st! I am having trouble deciding on the bedding I like. We picked out a really cute lady bug pattern but now I can't decide if I want lady bugs or if I want to do something a little more modern.
I have been feeling really good, according to my update the baby is as long as a banana now is a little over half a pound!
This week is crazy busy at work but it is making it go real fast. Chuck and I are heading to Cincinnati this weekend, we are going to 2 baseball games, it is also supposed to be 90 degrees which should be interesting for me. The one really fun thing I am going to do is go to a store called Fleet Feet and check out the stroller I think I want. I can't find anywhere here in Indy that carries these strollers but I have heard great things about them. I want a solid running stroller but one that I can use for all the time use as well and I am hoping this one will work. I'll let you know what I find...
Its a Girl......
Ha, its a girl! I shouldn't be surprised because that seems to be the trend in our families but I seriously thought we were going to have a boy. I even had frog prince bedding picked out that I liked. The ultrasound was amazing, everything measured perfectly and she was very open to having her picture taken. She was moving around all over the place and we got to see it all on the screen, I had no idea. I can feel her now, not all the time and its not like she is kicking me or anything but she is moving around and I love it!
Well, we had the ultrasound on Thursday, and I am just blogging today because everything just seems like it is super busy. Work is driving me crazy, not sure if it is because I have a ton of extra work now or because I am pregnant and things get to me more so I am keeping my mouth shut on that front.
Chuck and I went to Babies r Us this weekend and started our registry, it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be but everything is foreign to us so we only did some of it. Thankgoodness we have time!
Now that we know its a girl, and we have seen her picture she seems like a real person so I am anxious to pick a name! This is such a hard decision, I bought a book, 60,000 Baby Names! Not sure if this was a good idea or not, if anyone has suggestions let us know!
Big Week...
This week has started out a little better then last which I am very thankful for! It is also a very big week for Chuck and I. Thursday morning we get to go in for our ultrasound and we are going to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Chuck and I have gone back and forth on this but we figure having the baby will be such a great surprise that it will be just as exciting knowing what we are in store for. I don't really have a gut feeling either way but I have been looking at boy stuff more then girl stuff so maybe thats a sign. I am just crossing my fingers that the baby is healthy and we can see all 10 fingers and all 10 toes! I do thouroughly intend on going to buy something pink or blue before I have to go back to work afterwards!!
I went to Babies R Us for the first time this weekend and that was extremly overwhelming. I am hoping to be able to send the list of items I pick out to the verteran moms I know and they can help me out a bit. So many choices and I am sure so many things that you just don't need, but its just all so cute!!
As for me, I am feeling good. I offically cannot fit in to any of my pants anymore so I spent the weekend packing away all my clothes, crossing my fingers that I will be able to fit back into them next summer! I also ordered a maternity bathing suit for the fun Cali trip that we have planned over Labor day, now that is going to be interesting!!
Well, wish us luck on Thursday for a healthy baby!!