
  • Tuesday, July 01, 2008

    Big Week...

    This week has started out a little better then last which I am very thankful for! It is also a very big week for Chuck and I. Thursday morning we get to go in for our ultrasound and we are going to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Chuck and I have gone back and forth on this but we figure having the baby will be such a great surprise that it will be just as exciting knowing what we are in store for. I don't really have a gut feeling either way but I have been looking at boy stuff more then girl stuff so maybe thats a sign. I am just crossing my fingers that the baby is healthy and we can see all 10 fingers and all 10 toes! I do thouroughly intend on going to buy something pink or blue before I have to go back to work afterwards!!
    I went to Babies R Us for the first time this weekend and that was extremly overwhelming. I am hoping to be able to send the list of items I pick out to the verteran moms I know and they can help me out a bit. So many choices and I am sure so many things that you just don't need, but its just all so cute!!
    As for me, I am feeling good. I offically cannot fit in to any of my pants anymore so I spent the weekend packing away all my clothes, crossing my fingers that I will be able to fit back into them next summer! I also ordered a maternity bathing suit for the fun Cali trip that we have planned over Labor day, now that is going to be interesting!!

    Well, wish us luck on Thursday for a healthy baby!!

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