
  • Sunday, November 23, 2008

    Hannah Jane has arrived....

    Ha, I can't believe it!! Hannah arrived 9 days early. At my last doctors appointment I was only dialated to 2 cm, the doctor did a few things to maybe help move things along but you never know if that kind of stuff will work or not. Friday night we also went for Mexican so that might have had something to do with the contractions that started at 2 am. I was up all night timing them, they weren't bad and they were anywhere between 7 and 10 minutes apart so I just stayed in bed, watched movies and the clock. At about 8:30 am my water broke and the contractions got a ton worse so we headed to the hospital.
    Hannah was born on 11/22 around 4:00 pm, she weighs 7lbs 5oz and she is perfect! I'll write more later but I wanted to get some pictures posted of our beautiful little girl.

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