
  • Thursday, March 04, 2010

    Running for the cure...

    Well....Spring is just around the corner which means it is almost outdoor running season in Indianapolis and hard core training time for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. This will be the sixth Indianapolis Mini Marathon that Chuck and I have participated in, some years have been better than others but every year as soon as we cross the finish line we know that we want to sign up for the next year. It is just such a fun and amazing event!
    This year I have found a way to incorporate my run and training into a good cause. Breast Cancer hit home for me a few years ago when my mom was diagnosed with it, we have been very very fortunate, it was caught early and all has been well since. I have signed up to do the "Virtual Marathon" with Susan G. Komen and to try and raise at least $250 to be donated and help find a cure for breast cancer. I want to do my part to find a cure in hopes that I and most certainly Hannah never have to worry about this disease!

    If you can, please click on the link below (or on the left side of my blog) and help me reach my goal. Thank you so much for your support!

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