Indiana State Fair...
Well, it is that time of year again, summer is winding down, the buses have taken over the roads in the mornings and the Indiana State Fair is going in full force!! I love the fair, even if I have had a few tramatic experiences while attending it! Now that Hannah is a bit older Chuck and I get to experience more then just the food (yes we used to go for just the food, oh and people watching)!!
Yesterday was $2 Tuesdays, this meant it was only $2 each for Chuck and I to get in and it also meant that many of the vendors had food options (smaller portions which is perfect) for $2! The only downfall to yesterday is that I believe it was one of the hottest days of the summer!!!!
Anyways, after we parked we ran into these guys...he looks pretty big but they were actually miniature horses that were giving kids rides....Chuck wouldn't let Hannah go for a ride but we did hang out with them for a bit!
Not quite sure what to think of this thing.....
It was SUPER hot, but acutally the reason she is so red is because we were in a red tent!! I believe in this picture I was trying to get a bite of the corn and she was looking at me like I was crazy!
We hit up the potato tent, the dairy barn which I think is Hannah's favorite because they gave her free ice cold milk and the fried cheese! Saw the train drive by us a few times and then found this....FREE ICE CREAM!! Yup, it was pretty good....
On our way out we found these guys....GOATS!!! They were so fun, Chuck and I are bad parents and didn't have any quarters to get food to feed the goats but another nice girl gave Hannah some of hers. Hannah is still working on sharing so I am not sure if she was debating about eating the goat food herself or if she wasn't sure she wanted the goats tongue to lick her hand but she eventually held it out and both the goat and Hannah were happy!!
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