Christmas 2010...
Sorry, this is long overdue but Christmas was busy! Then we all got plagued with the flu!!
Anyways, we had a wonderful Christmas, I just can't believe it is over and it is 2011! Anyways, Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Dave and my mom all came to Indy for Christmas this year. Christmas eve we headed to church then relaxed at our place with lots of food and fun.
After Hannah went to bed, Chuck and I had our work cut out for us, fortunately mom was there to help!
It was neat this year because Hannah loved everything about Christmas, the songs, the lights the Christmas movies but she isn't quite old enough to understand that when she wakes up on Christmas morning she will have lots of surprises. So, Christmas morning she didn't wake up at the crack of dawn and we really got to take our time and enjoy everything. Hannah would open up a gift, play with it for a while and then we would eventually have to encourage her to move on to another one! She got some good stuff!
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