Monday, February 14, 2011
What we've been up to...
Well, it's been cold here, really cold and icy, not snowy but we have had lots and lots of ice. Chuck was lucky enough to be out of town skiing when we got all that ice, my mom happened to be in town (thank goodness for me), but this meant Hannah, Mom and I were stuck in the house for 2 straight day because a 2 year old, a pregnant woman and my mom were no match for the ice that was attached to our driveway. I am very fortunate to have a very nice neighbor who helped me dig out half the driveway so I could go back to work on the third day! So, we did projects, lots and lots of little projects and it has been great to get so much done but it is kind of addicting, once you get started you keep finding more and more things that you want to do.
Anyways, we started with the trim in little boys room, if you remember Chuck and I painted his room back in January but Mom and I painted all the trim and all the doors in his room (sorry no pictures).
A while ago I got the idea that our doorway coming in from the garage was way to tight and that we could open it up by removing one of the 2 closets and putting a bench and hooks where the closet used to be. Fortunately for me, Chuck and I had removed all the built-ins from the closet before he left and the storage bench and shelf that I had ordered from JC Penny's came early. I wish I had taken before pictures because it looks so much better now. Although once I got the bench in there I decided I hated the green paint even more that has been in there since we moved in and is still throughout our living room so I had to paint are the after pictures (not great because I can't get a good angle!)

Mom brought over ribbon to use as tie backs for Hannah's curtains, so that was next on the list....then I decided to hang a few thing. Now Hannah has a place for her hoodies and purses and we finally hung up the fun signs she has received as gifts. Hopefully this weekend we will move the crib out of her room to little boys room and we can do a little re-arranging in Hannah's room!!
Yesterday, I baked cookies, Valentine's day cookies and they turned out pretty! I made enough for us to have after Valentine's Day dinner and for Chuck and I to both take to work. Apparently Rudy had another idea and when we returned from dinner last night he had eaten half of them!!
I have shown lots of pictures of Hannah but I haven't given many updates on her. She is growing, she has manners and I can't believe how she is turning into such a little girl!! She is amazing!
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