
  • Monday, March 04, 2013

    Playing catch up...

    Alright, so I am thinking about blogging again.  I miss having something to look back on, to see what the kiddos were doing or getting into last month but I have also realized that now that they are getting older that I have time for other things and that I might find other things to talk about!  Ha, like maybe what I am doing or would like to be doing!  I have no idea if I will be able to maintain this or if I will even have interesting things to talk about but I figure it doesn't hurt to find out.
    Since it has been a while, here is a new photo of the two most important people in my world....we just returned from a wonderful trip visiting Papa, Nancy, Julianne and Nicki in California.

    Now we are back, its freezing rain and snowing and we are all wishing we could either return to California or spring would hurry up and come to Indianapolis!!  I am currently in round 2 of training for my first marathon since the first one didn't happen.  I tell you what, training for your first marathon 2 times is not fun, this time I am on my own and this weather is making it quite a challenge....who knows, maybe something to write about.

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