
  • Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    Where does the time go??

    Saturday Hannah was 8 weeks old! I cannot believe it has been 8 weeks! I don't know where the time has gone. This milestone also means that the count down to going back to work and the dreaded daycare has begun. Fortunately I enjoy my job so that makes that part a little easier and we have 2 wonderful grandmas that are going to help us out until March so the going back to work and the going to daycare don't have to start on the same day!!
    Enough of the not so fun stuff....
    Since Hannah is 8 weeks old she has grown so much and she is so much fun! She is sleeping so much better at night, not through the night but better, this means I can almost be considered a functional adult again. And she smiles at you now and its the most wonderful smile you have ever seen!! Here are some pics...

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