
  • Friday, August 22, 2008

    Blogging slacker...

    I have been a serious blogging slacker lately but it just seems like everything has just been super busy and blogging keeps falling to the bottom of the list.

    To get up to date...
    I am doing great and feeling great, I am now 26 weeks pregnant which means this week I will enter my third trimester and if you look at the countdown ticker I will be in the double digits as to the amount of days left in this pregnancy. Chuck took pics of me at 25 weeks and I will try to get them posted this weekend, but I know that I have grown considerably because 2 weeks ago when I took Rudy to the vet I had to ask if it was alright for me to give Rudy his meds for his ear infection since I was pregnant and the vet said she could barely tell that I was pregnant. Well when I took Rudy for his follow up visit yesterday we saw the same vet and she told me she could really tell now!!! So I am officially large! I can also tell that I get tired quicker now, I am guessing this is due to the size of my large belly!
    This weekend Chuck is going to a bachelor party in Chicago. My mom is coming to visit (YEAH!) and we are having a garage sale. Hopefully we will make a lot of money, it doesn't rain and it really doesn't end up being 90 degrees but we are doing it all so we have room for a nursery so that will get me through it!! As soon as this weekend is over I am ordering my dresser and making Chuck move the guest room furniture to its new home in the basement. So thats about it on the baby front!

    On a side note we got to go to the new Lucas Oil Stadium this past weekend (I will post pics)! Its awesome, our seats are a bit high and I may have a little trouble making the climb at 8 months pregnant but I will find a way!! This Sunday is the first pre-season home game, can't wait...GO COLTS!!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Friday, August 08, 2008

    Taking things for granted....

    So since I have been pregnant I realized that there were a lot of things that I did, ate or wore everyday that I didn't even think twice about. Being pregnant makes a lot of the things you do every day just a little bit harder, I am not complaining but it does make you think....

    To begin with, just rolling over to get out of bed is a challenge. I am guessing it will just get worse and I don't know if it is because my center of gravity has changed or what but this has become much much harder, which also makes getting motivated for work in the morning a major struggle!

    Another thing that you think would be pretty simple when pregnant is trying to eat enough but not to much and to make sure you are eatting all of the right things. Jeeze, this is complicated....I think it is one of the most challenging things of pregnancy. Breakfast and lunch are hard because they are almost always on the go, but easy to pack items such as lunch meat sandwiches, which can include protein, veggies and fiber, are on the big no no list because lunchmeat is on the no no list! By the time dinner rolls around I am just over it and I don't care!

    No caffeine, no aspartane, no alochol, you would be amazed at how many fewer choices you have on beverages when you take these out of the picture. I really really miss diet coke!

    Getting dressed in the morning, I kind of think this has gotten a little easier since now I just can't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes. The in-between phase when you don't need maternity clothes but your other ones just don't look flattering, that was the worst. Now, I just don't have that many options so its not all that hard!!

    Which brings me to what made me think of this whole taking things for granted in the first place. A nice comfy pair of jeans that you just feel good in when you put them on. My pre-pregnancy ones were a pair of sevens, love them and was always happy when I was wearing them. Now, I am sure this is not the case for everyone but for me, I have not felt pretty since I became pregnant. I have also not wanted to spend lots of money on clothes because you only need them for a short amount of time and I never have any idea what size to buy. Well, I splurged, on a $68 pair of maternity jeans from the gap (although I did have a 25% off coupon so I felt a little bit better about it)! I got them in the mail yesterday (none of the Indianapolis gaps carry maternity clothes and I didn't want to wait until the next time I got to Cincy). I have to tell you when I put them on I almost felt normal again!

    All that being said, I love being pregnant and I know that all these very miniature (yet sometimes seemingly gigantic) sacrifices are well worth it, hopefully I will just appreciate everything a little bit more when these 9 months are up!

    Posted by Kim: comments
  • Tuesday, August 05, 2008

    23 Weeks...

    Its hard to believe that I am already 23 weeks pregnant! I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything is great, which is always good to hear!! Apparently our little girl already has a bit of an attitude because when we were listening to the heartbeat she kicked the doctor, I guess she didn't like being intruded on!
    I also got my weekly update today from She weighs over a pound and is about the size of a Papaya. She can hear us so we should talk to her. She can feel all my movements, like the bouncing up and down when I run, and we will start seeing hers which will seem really weird.
    I am doing really good, I am starting to feel an urgency to get things done around the house, so I think that I have already hit that nesting phase I have read about, which Chuck is going to love! But it is probably a good thing since most of the things needed done even if we weren't expecting a baby!

    Posted by Kim: comments