
  • Saturday, December 17, 2011

    Baby Jack is 7 Months.....

    Ok, so this post is really late because I guess Jack is now 7 1/2 months but better late than never!!  Anyways, Jack is 7 months, it is incredible how fast the time has gone!  He is doing so many things now, crawling, mostly army crawling but some crawling on hands and knees, sitting up on his own, and now we are working on finger foods.  So far we have done the basics like puffs, yogurt melts and cheerios!!  The one thing we aren't doing well in is the sleeping category, he was doing so well for a while and now he wakes up nightly wanting to play, not cool!!  Chuck spent the morning lowering his crib because he is also pulling himself up on everything now, including his crib!

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