
  • Tuesday, July 08, 2008

    Its a Girl......

    Ha, its a girl! I shouldn't be surprised because that seems to be the trend in our families but I seriously thought we were going to have a boy. I even had frog prince bedding picked out that I liked. The ultrasound was amazing, everything measured perfectly and she was very open to having her picture taken. She was moving around all over the place and we got to see it all on the screen, I had no idea. I can feel her now, not all the time and its not like she is kicking me or anything but she is moving around and I love it!
    Well, we had the ultrasound on Thursday, and I am just blogging today because everything just seems like it is super busy. Work is driving me crazy, not sure if it is because I have a ton of extra work now or because I am pregnant and things get to me more so I am keeping my mouth shut on that front.
    Chuck and I went to Babies r Us this weekend and started our registry, it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be but everything is foreign to us so we only did some of it. Thankgoodness we have time!
    Now that we know its a girl, and we have seen her picture she seems like a real person so I am anxious to pick a name! This is such a hard decision, I bought a book, 60,000 Baby Names! Not sure if this was a good idea or not, if anyone has suggestions let us know!

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